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In a collaborative cross­border effort in Montevideo (CUDIM), Pisa (IRCCS Stella Maris) and Tübingen (BMMR), the physiologic and pathologic processes underlying the transition from aging, over Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s disease will be identified, characterized and quantified by PIB­ and FDG PET and by MRI at clinically used magnetic field strengths (1.5; 3T) and at ultra­high fields (7T, 9.4T). The main objective is the development of multi­ modal neuroimaging tools capable of assessing the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and neuroprotection down to the level of brain microstructure.

We foresee these methods to be capable of reliably characterize and quantify detailed brain microstructure and function, thus making high­resolution imaging accessible and robust for patients and open up new possibilities for imaging­
based diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Impairment that may shed new light on disease development and progression. The critical mass achieved will result in novel templates for standardized brain atlases with cross­cultural validity and maps of brain areas showing high vulnerability in disease. Through innovative training programs in MCI patients, we expect to substantially impact future guidelines regarding interventions for improved health late­ in ­life.